All-in-one accounting dashboard for real-time financial analysis and reporting

Get all your income and expense insights at your fingertips and stay on top of your financial health with mesha’s customizable and unified accounting dashboard


We crunch your numbers for you

Just link your accounts and let our powerful integrations and analytics algorithms take care of the rest. We bring in data from disparate sources in seconds including banks, payroll, cards, CRMs, payment gateways etc. to show you the KPIs and metrics that matters to you the most.

Get granular view of all transactions, invoices, bills and more

Real-time data in one unified hub

Single source of truth with actionable insights

Clear view of revenue, cash flows and bank balance

Important deadline reminders and alerts

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Automated reconciliation

Get financial insights and reports from various entities in one view


Track how your money flows within different global entities


View bank balances and forthcoming liabilities


Customize your dashboard view for different entities and metrics

Multiple entities, one dashboard

Track and manage finances for all your global entities in real-time from one dashboard. Mesha’s comprehensive accounting dashboard empowers global companies to effortlessly monitor intercompany fund flows, view upcoming liabilities and see how company funds are being used across different entities.

Managing multi-entity finances giving you a migraine? Mesha dashboard makes it easy.

Accelerate productivity with automated reports

Close your books 2X faster with automated and interactive reports that your finance team and accountants would thank you for.

  • Save hundreds of hours spent on manual verification of financial data and report creation

  • Receive insightful reports without the need for managing complex chart of accounts

  • Access real-time reports to track your finances without waiting for month-end

  • Uncover trends and identify exceptions using impactful visualizations in reports

  • Use built in beautiful report templates to create customized interactive reports from scratch

Loved by our community

Loved by our community
Aniket Jindal

We've saved a lot of time and money with mesha. Before this, we were using Excel and had limited visibility on all our accounts and balances


Faster, confident business decisions with mesha analytics and dashboard

Whether it’s a 50,000 ft view or a transaction level granularity on your finances, we bring you the analytics and insights you need to make your business decisions more informed. Get increased visibility on your financial metrics across platforms, countries and currencies with mesha.

Centralized view of all your financial data

Customized dashboard and analytics view for role-appropriate insights

Insights, KPIs, charts and graphs made readily accessible

Collaborative options with your financial team and accounting consultants

Visibility on growth metrics including ARR, Runway, inventory and cashflow

Data backed forecasting for budget and financial planning

Uncover insights in your financial data with mesha